KasCon’s COVID-19 Response and Resources
The COVID-19 Pandemic poses significant challenges for ongoing construction, which has been deemed essential by the State of Maryland, and therefore allowed to remain active. KasCon is committed to keeping our employees and subcontractors safe, and sharing information we’ve gathered that may be useful to other organizations. We will get through this together.
Virtual Roundtable: Commercial Real Estate in the Time of COVID-19
KasCon hosted a virtual roundtable to provide a forum for commercial real estate industry leaders in the Baltimore Washington region to discuss the impact of COVID-19.
Keeping Job Sites Safe
In an effort to provide guidance to KasCon’s employees, its subcontractors and their employees, we have created a policy that ensures that we are doing our part to adhere to CDC guidelines, keep our team safe and combat the spread of the virus as we continue operations. Click on the link below to download our policy in English or Spanish.
KasCon COVID-19 Job Site Policies & Procedures-ENGLISH
KasCon COVID-19 Job Site Policies & Procedures SPANISH
Current Permitting & Inspection Policies by Jurisdiction
As the COVID-19 situation impacts normal operations, we’ve compiled information on the local jurisdictions’ permitting and inspection policies. We will update this as information changes; please check directly with your jurisdiction for the most up-to-date information. Click on the link below to download the latest policies by jurisdiction.